Monday, February 18, 2013

Juice Lab

In this lab experement I used three jars, 6 cups of water, and 1/2 a cup of grape juice. I used tap water, ice cold water, and boiling water, I divided the juice into three parts. 

In the first jar I poured the juice into the tap water, the molecules in this jar moved slowly, and the water turned into a clear pinkish color.

The 2nd jar used contained the ice water, once I poured the juice it  went straight down to the bottom of the jar.

The 3rd jar used was the boiling water, once the juice was poured in, the juice moved slowly, but blended completely as part of the steam evaporated.
                                                     Tap water, cold water, boiling water

                                        Due to the molecules of the water temperature, diffusion takes place.

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