Tuesday, February 19, 2013


A Triglyceride is a neutral fat molecule consisting of a molecule of glycerol and three fatty acid tails.  Triglycerides are the body’s most concentrated source of energy fuel.  Triglycerides are a type of lipid found in your blood.  If you don’t maintain healthy triglyceride levels, you may suffer health issues, especially heart disease. I chose to write about this, as my paternal side of my family has heart issues.

In doing my research I found out what the normal and abnormal levels are in maintaining a healthy life. 

·         Normal– less than 150 milligrams per deciliter
·         Borderline– 150 – 199 milligrams per deciliter
·         High-  200 to 499 milligrams per deciliter
·         Very high- 500 milligrams per deciliter

Triglycerides store unused calories that supply our body with energy. Triglycerides can’t dissolve in our blood stream; they circulate within our bodies with the help of proteins that transport lipids.

One option in controlling healthy triglycerides, is taking vitamins. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and may help against heart disease. This vitamin helps in decreasing the cholesterol in your blood vessels.    
                                                                                                                                                 Niacin helps with lowering the bad cholesterol which can interfere with your liver.  Biotin is another vitamin that can help with the prevention of diabetes.  Please remember to always check with your physician before starting any vitamin regimen.

Foods play a big role in maintaining a healthy lifestyles and triglycerides.  If we must indulge in unhealthy foods, we must consume these in moderation. 

·         Alcohol: Beer, wine, hard liquor
·         Saturated fats: including butter, animal fat, fried food, whole milk, cheese & red meats
·         Trans fats: fast food, commercial snack foods, pastries
·         Sugar: honey, jams, doughnuts, ice cream
·         Beverages: fruit juices, fruit drinks, sodas, smoothies.
·         Starch: Bagels, pasta, rice, potatoes

It is important to eat healthy, exercise at least 20 minutes per day and pay attention to what you put into your body.  Triglycerides are just one part of your body’s many functions that you have to take care of, in order to live a healthy and happy life.


Vitamins for Triglycerides, Author, Jenna Marie, http://www.livestrong.com/article/199251-vitamins-for-triglycerides/
February 19, 2013

February 19, 2013

Triglycerides: Why do they Matter? Author, Mayo Clinic staff, http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/triglycerides
February 19, 2013

Part 2

1.     The milk, juice, & carrot lab exercise was the best assignment given.  I enjoyed using stuff my kitchen to perform the experiment.  I was able to utilize the cell information that I learned to help with the assignments.

2.     I now have a better understanding of the cellular respiration process and how the steps come together.

3.    The actions that I took to learn the above process, was to read my chapter book and answer questions.  I also watched videos online to learn about the cellular respiration process.

4.     I felt most connected when I finally figured out all the steps to the online course.  Learning Symbiosis, creating a blog, and taking a few quizzes.  I felt most distanced in the beginning, as I was learning how to access blackboard, and not feeling comfortable with the assignments and what was expected as a student.

5.      As a student, I would like to see more lectures in videos, and maybe some examples or helpful hints with the material we are learning.  I do appreciate having the discuss tool, in case we have questions or comments to share.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Carrot Lab

In this experiment I used two jars with 2 cups of  fresh water, one of the jars had a teaspoon of salt added.  I also took a carrot and cut it in half.  I used a string to tie both pieces of carrots before placing in water.

Initial length and with of the carrot pieces:

Piece 1  5 inches X 1 1/4

Piece 2  3 inches X 1/2 (salt water)

I left the carrots in the fresh water for 24 hours.  I predicted the carrot in the salt solution would swell and the carrot in the water without salt would shrink up.  I also predicted that osmosis would play a role in the salt water carrot.

The carrot that was left in the salt water was loose, and the string came off right away with no help at all.

After-experiment length and width of carrot pieces:

Piece 1  5 1/2  X  3/4

Piece 2  2 1/8 X  7/8

After 24 hours I removed each carrot from the water, the first observation I noticed was the carrot in the salt solution floated, and the one in th fresh water sunk to the bottom of the jar.  This was due to the hypertonic solution (salt water).

The other observation I noticed when the carrots were taken out of th water, were the strings.  The string in the water solution was tight and still attached to the carrot.  The carrot in the salt water string, just fell off when taken out. 

My predictions were incorrect, as the salt carrot actually shrunk in width, while the fresh water carrot remained the same.

                                                   Fresh Water Carrot       Salt Water Carrot
                                                  Fresh Water Carrot           Salt Water Carrot

Juice Lab

In this lab experement I used three jars, 6 cups of water, and 1/2 a cup of grape juice. I used tap water, ice cold water, and boiling water, I divided the juice into three parts. 

In the first jar I poured the juice into the tap water, the molecules in this jar moved slowly, and the water turned into a clear pinkish color.

The 2nd jar used contained the ice water, once I poured the juice it  went straight down to the bottom of the jar.

The 3rd jar used was the boiling water, once the juice was poured in, the juice moved slowly, but blended completely as part of the steam evaporated.
                                                     Tap water, cold water, boiling water

                                        Due to the molecules of the water temperature, diffusion takes place.

Milk Lab

I began this lab excercise with a shallow cup and a 1/ 2 cup of 2% milk.  I predicted the milk left out for three days in a warm, dark place would turn the milk into the consistency of yogurt.

I checked the milk once a day to see if any changes occured, day one the milk looked the same, on day two I noticed the milk evaporated just a bit, and the edges of the glass looked a little slimy.

Day One

Final day
On the last day of my experiment, the milk in the cup appeared to be watery, and not the consistency as I predicted.  Milk has bacteria and can turn into an acid like form. I think if I would have used whole milk and another place that was warmer, the bacteria in the milk would have turned into a yogurt form.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Vaccines & Autism

Vaccines & Autism Autism is a hot topic these days…it is a developmental disorder found in children at a young age. Some of the effects of this disorder include slow speech, excessive movement and detachment from people and daily functions in day to day living. Autism is usually diagnosed in the first three years of age, usually because the child is progressing for his/her age. The name is the vaccination is called MMR (measles, mumps & rubella). This is a 3 in 1 vaccination that protects against the three diseases. This is a series of shots, given when the child is 12–15 months, then around 4-6 years of age. It is optional to receive the shot if you are over the age of 18 and born after 1956. With 2 doses of shots, you are more immune from catching the disease. These diseases can be fatal and may cause death. It is estimated that 1 or 2 out of 1000 who obtain the vaccination will die from it. CDC recently stated that children with autism have risen over 78% in the last decade. It is also estimated that 1 in 88 children, now have some type of autism disorder. This is a high number in my opinion. It is also stated that boys out number girls by 5 to 1 ratio. Thimerosal is found in this vaccination, it’s a mercury-containing preservative. This ingredient has been used since the early 1930’s. At this time there is no convincing evidence that this vaccine is the cause of autism. Since 2001, the ingredient is no longer used in childhood vaccines. Jenny McCarthy has a child that has been diagnosed with autism; she is an activist in regards to vaccinations and autism. Jenny has made millions of dollars for selling books and trash talking about autism and vaccines. There are many sites online that try to stop Jenny for talking trash about Autism. Any child with a disease is very sad, but it’s up to each individual to make that choice and decide if the MMR vaccine is right for their child. There is no scientific evidence that vaccinations cause autism. http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/29/health/autism/index.html Accessed 02/05/2013. http://www.thinktwice.com/autism.htm Accessed 02/05/2013. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002026.htm Accessed 02/05/2013. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/Concerns/thimerosal/index.html Accessed 02/05/2013. http://www.stopjenny.com/ 2/5/2013