Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Unit Paper 4

The Unit Paper 4


In reviewing the worldview choices, I feel my take on worldview would be stewardship.  We have an ethical responsibility to take care our earth and all our finite resources.  If our generation does not make better individual choices, there may not be any resources for our future generations.  I also feel that human beings should be mindful of how many offspring they reproduce.  It’s not ethical to have lots of children and use up many of the resources.  We must all engage in wise sustainability.

Four causes of environmental problems that we face are over Population, air pollution, water pollution, climate changes.

If I were assigned to write a research paper, I would choose Rachel Carson.  Rachel was a woman that had a passion for ecology.  It was her legacy to study and earn her degree in the 1900’s.  She made it her legacy to let the world know how important natural resources were, and not taking it for granted by destroying our world.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, would choose Rachel Carson. I did the calculation today...she was just 57 when she died...Thank you for your consistent good work!
