Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Unit Paper 4

The Unit Paper 4


In reviewing the worldview choices, I feel my take on worldview would be stewardship.  We have an ethical responsibility to take care our earth and all our finite resources.  If our generation does not make better individual choices, there may not be any resources for our future generations.  I also feel that human beings should be mindful of how many offspring they reproduce.  It’s not ethical to have lots of children and use up many of the resources.  We must all engage in wise sustainability.

Four causes of environmental problems that we face are over Population, air pollution, water pollution, climate changes.

If I were assigned to write a research paper, I would choose Rachel Carson.  Rachel was a woman that had a passion for ecology.  It was her legacy to study and earn her degree in the 1900’s.  She made it her legacy to let the world know how important natural resources were, and not taking it for granted by destroying our world.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Discussion 3


 Pneumonia is a disease caused by streptococcus pneumonia bacteria.  It is a leading cause of vaccine-preventable illness and death in the United States.  People 65 years and older, and the very young are most at risk.  Pneumonia disease can lead to serious infection of the lungs, blood, and covering of the brain also known as meningitis. This disease kills about 1 out of 20 people who get it.  There is a vaccination available for this disease (PPSV), but it is mostly used for elderly and the young.  This vaccination protects against 23 types of pneumococcal bacteria.
 I chose this topic as I was diagnosed with this in December.  I started out with a sore throat and it then turned into bronchitis, then into Pneumonia.  I was sick for 8 days until I ended up in the hospital for 4 days.  I felt fatigued and shortness of breath, my heart rate was over 150 and the doctors were afraid I would have a heart attack.  I was put on an antibiotic treatment for 4 days; also I had breathing treatments every 4 hours.  This knocked my immune system out of whack for over a month. 
Bacteria are single celled organisms.  They draw their energy and raw material from their environment.   Diagnostic tools include x-rays and examination of the sputum.  There are several treatments to treat this disease; it depends on the cause of pneumonia.  Bacterial pneumonia is treated with antibiotics.
Sepsis is a condition in which the body is fighting a severe infection that has spread to the bloodstream.  If a patient becomes “septic” they will have low blood pressure leading to poor circulation and lack of perfusion of vital tissues and organs.  When the infection is in the bloodstream and your immune system is in shock, it can sometimes lead to death and/or may take a long time to overcome the disease and return to your normal health.
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine, What you need to know, authors, CDC
April 24, 2013

Science Reference, authors Dan Hogan and Michele Hogan
April 24, 2013

Sepsis (Blood Infection), author, Jerry R. Balentine, DO, FACEP
April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Unit Paper 3

What is hemophilia?   Hemophilia is a collective term for several different hereditary bleeding disorders with similar symptoms.  Hemophilia is cause by a deficiency of one or more clotting factors.  I chose this topic because I was interested in what caused this type of disorder.  I do not know anyone personally affected by this, but I have heard how something as a minor scratch can cause such trauma to a human body.  This disorder is also caused by the third stage of hemostasis, which is stoppage of bleeding or of the circulation of blood to a part.
Hemophilia is a lifelong disease and is inherited from one of your parents and passed on to you as a carrier.  There are many types of hemophilia, there are two types of hemophilia, type A & B.  This is a lifelong disease, but with proper treatment, it can be maintained and live decent lives. Some signs and symptoms of hemophilia may include large bruises, joint swelling caused by internal bleeding, excessive and prolonged bleeding and tightness in joints.  What I found interesting was that a simple tooth extraction may cause excessive bleeding in a hemophiliac.  Emergency signs and symptoms can be a simple headache that is painful and last a long time, excessive vomiting as well as fatigue can play a factor in hemophiliacs. My suggestions are to pay attention to your body and visit a physician if you experience any severe medical illnesses.
You should avoid aspirin and any anti-inflammatory agents such as Advil as they interfere with blood clotting.  It is also a good idea to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water, if a cut arises, keep pressure on the sight that is bleeding. You must also pay attention to internal bleeding as well and call or visit an emergency room in a case of any significant trauma.
                Hemophilia, authors, Mayo Clinic Staff
                April 17, 2013

                Hemophilia, authors Troy S Cutler, MD
                April 17, 2013

1.        What one assignment or activity you performed in this unit are you the most proud of?                I enjoyed the tissue exercise; I learned a lot from that chapter and was able to understand the information.

2.       Why did you enroll in this biology class?
I enrolled in this class as it was my last class to fulfill my accounting degree. 

3.       Did you feel prepared for this experience when you registered?
No, I was extremely intimidated about taking this class, I am a math person; I have never been interested in Science.  I was scared at first, but you made the class interesting and easy to communicate my concerns and frustrations.

4.       How was your experience different from your expectations?
My experience was enjoyable from my beginning expectations.  My first test I performed badly, and was ready to give up and drop the class.  I am glad I stuck it out, it turned out that we use science in our everyday life and it’s not such a bad subject.   I admit, I hated and struggled in some of the lessons, but mostly enjoyed the challenge.
5.       What can I do to help you?
You were open and communicated well via emails and short videos…you also provided lots of help, and encouraged us to get the extra help.  I think you did a great job in preparing us for your tests, it was so nice to know that we could submit our answers prior to test taking and you would respond with suggestions.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Chicken Leg Dissection


Describe how the connective tissue looks and feels.  What type of connective tissue is this?
The outside layer of the skin was slimy, bumpy and a milky looking color, it was very easy to cut away from the muscle of the chicken.  This type of connective tissue is squamous epithelium.

Describe the arrangement of the muscle bundles.
The muscle bundles are skeletal muscle tissues, as they connect to tendons which attach to bone.  They are very long and attach to the bone.

What sort of connective tissue are tendons composed of?
Tendons are composed of dense fibrous connective tissues

What sort of muscle tissue is represented?  How do you know?
The muscle tissue that is represented in this dissection would be the skeletal muscle tissue, the reason being is that tissues attach and connect to the tendons and bone.  The fibers are also thin and long.

Nerves are generally thin, threadlike white strands found between the muscle and the nearest bone.  Look for the nerve in your specimen.  Did you find them?
Yes, I found many white threadlike strands between the muscle and bone.

What is the physical difference in the tendon of the insertion when compared to the origin?
The tendon was small at the insertion, but dense and the origin is a little wider and not as dense.

What is the soft material inside a bone?
The soft material inside the bone is called bone marrow, which is a red like spongy feeling tissue.
Name three specific types of cells present here.  Do not break the bone; it is sharp!
The three cells that are present are the osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts.

Name three functions of bone.
Three functions of bone are, support, movement, and protection.
What type of connective tissue composes the ligaments?
Ligaments are composed of dense fibrous connective tissue.